The point of the video was just classic cult shit thats been done cults are all about complete indoctrination into their beliefs. We take a deep dive into Apple TVs Servant season 2 to analyze its ending discuss season 3 and some of the shows wildest theoriesCheck out my other Ho. Servant Season 2 Ending Explained Finale Recap Is Leanne Evil Heres what happened in the finale EXPLAINED with quotes from the episode Theories. . Dorothys firstborn Jericho died in her care and unable to bear the trauma she is. After Dorothy reaches out to Leanne through television Sean receives a call from her. Servant Season 2 Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained. Servant Season 2 Episode 1 RecapEnding Explained. He raises how the house is decaying and is filled with parasites. So naturally these cult members have to harm people who dare to leave. In that Season 2 finale a woman who introduces herself as Aunt Josephine Barbara...